Amazon to Integrate Blockchain with Its Advertising Business, Posts Requirements for Expert

Amazon To Integrate Blockchain Amazon To Integrate Blockchain

It’s no secret that the e-commerce giant, Amazon has shown a keen interest in blockchain technology. This was quite apparent when its cloud services arm, Amazon Web Services (AWS) built the Quantum Ledger Database, based on Ethereum and Hyperledger. However, the company seems to be taking the game a notch higher by bringing its advertisement business in the space.

As per reports, Amazon is planning to integrate blockchain tech with its advertising data. The blockchain will be targeted towards billing and reconciliation of payments, to enhance transparency in cross-border transactions. The company has reportedly posted a job requirement for a senior software engineer to join the team in Boulder, Colorado.


Blockchain technology has become one of the most popular technologies of recent times, especially in the intensive data sectors. It has been long touted that integration of blockchain and e-commerce will create the next tech boom, and the recent developments are nothing but a move forward in the same direction.

Apart from Amazon, other tech companies like IBM, Microsoft, Intel, etc. have also made significant growth in blockchain adoption. Amazon’s biggest rival in Asia, Alibaba has also integrated blockchain in its various services, which will force the former to up its game to stay relevant in the competition.

While there hasn’t been any announcement from the company regarding the recent developments, the job posting read,

This is an opportunity to define a technology architectural direction of a greenfield area for Amazon’s advertising business using Blockchain technology.


This shows that the world’s largest e-commerce company is willing to expand its blockchain presence. This is great news for end-users, as DLT brings more transparency in functioning, and let consumers know the fate of their data. Nonetheless, any significant public release from Amazon still seems at least a few months away.