Badger Wallet Introduced For iOS With The Power Of BCH And SLP

Badger Wallet on iOS Badger Wallet on iOS

Badger Wallet of, the client of Bitcoin cash light has introduced an innovative app for iOS on June 3rd. The app is launch as a beta variant for iOS mobile devices. Through this launch, the company is making its entry into the mobile devices previously; they had successfully launched the app for desktop.

Now the Apple phone user can download the app on their phone to stock, send and accept BCH. They can also use the wallet to store other SLP token in a non-custodial manner. Several desktop functionalities are directly translated to the mobile version in the new wallet. In the new wallet, the user will have full client control and can take custody of their BCH or other SLP tokens.


Using the new Badger wallet, the user can not only keep their bitcoin cash safe but also will allow them to store SLP token safely that gets generated on the BCH chain. The new wallet has some resemblance with Ethereum built Metamusk wallet as it acts as an entryway to an assembly of BCH chain.

Badger light client is formerly present for Firefox and Chrome as browser wallet it functioned well for Android version as well. Now Apple handler can also use the same. The utmost striking features of this wallet is using the user can send little assets from one wallet to another. One of the Badger user after testing the new wallet has told he has sent himself nickel as it is not possible to send such a small sum of Satoshis to another wallet.

To use the Badger wallet, one has to go to the App store and download the 11.3 MB application. To use badger on iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch, one has to use iOS version 9.0 or later. After the wallet gets the download, it will prompt the user to restore the existing wallet or generate a new wallet. To continue with the current wallet, the user has to enter the 12-word seed expression. If the sentence is correct, then funds will appear from existing Badger wallet. For creating a new wallet, it takes a few second time.


Using the wallet user can send fund anyplace in the world instantly.