Basic Attention Token (BAT) is an open-source, advertisement exchange platform built on the Ethereum blockchain. It has its own specific browser called ‘Brave,’ which is focused on the privacy and anonymity of the users. Brave is designed in such a way that it blocks trackers and malware from accessing any user activity. In addition to that, Brave keeps a check of how any user spends time on any specific content and reward publishers accordingly. Basic Attention Token (BAT) is led by Brendan Eich who is also the creator of JavaScript and co-founder of Mozilla. The main aim of this crypto is to address fraud and ambiguity in digital advertising. On top of that, the BAT team wants to arm advertisers with improved demographic targeting and content delivery tools.
With a return of investment of 128.60%, the total market capitalization of Basic Attention Token (BAT) is around 482,259,915 USD on May 01, at UTC 07:24, as per Coinmarketcap. At the same time, Basic Attention Token was trading at 0.384578 USD. Moreover, it’s last 24 hours trading volume was approximately 47,453,013 USD. Ranked at 23rd position in the cryptocurrency ranking chart, Basic Attention Token (BAT) was valued at 0.00007132 BTC per chip against Bitcoin. On April 6, Basic Attention Token (BAT) was trading at 0.303207 USD, since then it has strengthened its value and today after 25-days, it is trading with a gain of 26.8%.
Let’s have a look at historical fluctuations in the price of Basic Attention Token (BAT):
Time Period | High | Low |
All-Time | 0.980702 USD (Jan 09, 2018) |
0.066209 USD (Jul 16, 2017) |
Yesterday | 0.397967 USD | 0.373548 USD |
7-days | 0.451260 USD | 0.365384 USD |
30-days | 0.499337 USD | 0.261842 USD |
Yesterday was almost a flat trading day for Basic Attention Token (BAT) as it opened at 0.376529 USD and closed the day at 0.384420 USD, with an intraday gain of 0.007891 USD (2.10%) with a cumulative trading volume of 43,235,073 USD.
Basic Attention Token (BAT) Price Prediction:
Basic Attention Token (BAT) has a detailed and transparent roadmap for the second quarter of 2019. Especially, the development team is continuously engaging the community about existing updates and works on the development of its product, which is visible from their activity on GitHub. In addition to that, the team had posted Brave Ads Roadmap for the year, where they planned to integrate user and publisher ads. In this way, the user, the publisher, and the Brave browser will transparently receive their share revenue. Looking at the current progress of the team and the positive news around the crypto, its trends seem to be bullish. However, according to BAT Prediction, many experts and analysts predicted that the Basic Attention Token (BAT)’s price would remain similar to its present value until the end of 2019.