BTC price is currently trading at $10090.37 at 08:10 UTC on 25th July 2019. Considering the data from past one month, the highest valuation was seen on 27th June at 18:30 UTC with a trading value of $13860.55. The value dropped by 29.59% on 2nd July at 06:00 UTC with a trading value of $9778.91. In few days, the value was seen escalating above the baseline by 33.44% on 10th July at 13:30, marking as the highest touchdown of the July month with a trading value of $13049. By 17th July at 11:30 UTC, the value dropped by 29.42% to the lowest touchdown of the month trading at $9217.98.
However, the value was a slight escalation by 19.68% on 20th July at 22:30 UTC with a trading value of $11020.11. Bitcoin price again dropped by 13% on 24th July at 16:30 UTC when the trading value was seen at $9587.95. The value from then has seen a small escalation of 5.27% as of now.
Current Statistics of Bitcoin:
- Return of Investment: 7361.01%
- Total supply/Circulating Supply: 17,836,625 BTC/ 17,836,625 BTC
- 24 Hour Volume: 17,442,276,462 USD
- Market Cap: 180,056,209,421 USD
- 7 Day high/low: 11,048.66 USD / 9,376.80 USD
Bitcoin Price Prediction and Conclusion
BTC has always been a topic of discussion globally. But with recent fluctuations, it is seen that Bitcoin might be trading in the ‘bearish’ zone. With the strong bearish claw, this might be an ideal time to decide on buying new BTC coins as of now. According to future predictions for Bitcoin by CryptoNewsZ, traders might expect some delight by the end of 2019 if the value touchdown $15000.
And considering the trades since the beginning of the year, it will be a call for celebration for Bitcoin as well as other coins in the network.