BTT/TRX Trading Pair To Be Listed On KuCoin — BitTorrent

BitTorrent (BTT) BitTorrent (BTT)

KuCoin, the Hong Kong based cryptocurrency exchange recently announced on the social media of Twitter that a new trading pair would be soon listed on their platform.

According to the tweet, New Trading Pair of BitTorrent- BTT/TRX will be listed this June.


KuCoin exchange provides some of the most remarkable trading pair selections, according to our KuCoin exchange review it’s more than 300 trading pairs. In addition to that, the proclamations of the company having the most advanced API in the industry are also made.

Earlier in February this year, BitTorrent was first supported on the KuCoin Trading Platform. At that time, only BTT/BTC and BTT/ETH were listed for support.


BitTorrent- founded on September 22, 2004, by Ashwin Navin and Bram Cohen is a communication protocol for peer-to-peer file sharing (P2P). And, if you want to know more about BitTorrent & its value, you can visit our BTT price prediction page to learn more. This is utilized to share electronic files and data over the Internet. In 2018, when cryptocurrency startup TRON acquired the company, Bram Cohen stepped down from his position.