As per the official announcement by Coinbase, users will now be able to access their DApps (decentralized applications) on their desktop browsers hassle-freely. It has been made possible through Coinbase Wallet’s WalletLink service.
As described in the blog post, WalletLink will act as the secure bridge between the user’s desktop browser and Coinbase Wallet application. Users only need to scan the WalletLink QR code with their Wallet application to start using DApps anywhere. All this while, the users’ funds will remain completely secured on the Mobile Wallet application. The QR code scanning step creates an encrypted secured link between the browser and the app. Moreover, whenever a user submits a transaction, they will be notified with a ping on their phone for transaction approval.
Interestingly, WalletLink supports continual connections to numerous DApps. Hence, users are not required to scan QR codes every time they wish to use new DApps. The blog also revealed that the Coinbase team had tested their WalletLink offering on multiple browsers, including Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, Microsoft Edge, and blockchain-based Brave browser. They are also planning to extend support to more currencies, as well as native mobile applications, in the days ahead.
It is important to note that Coinbase has let its extensive global user base explore the decentralized web via their mobile wallet application. However, the Wallet experience was restricted to mobile devices so far. If users wanted to explore the DApps through web browsers on their desktops, they had to install cumbersome browser extensions, copy and paste private keys, and see fragmented wallet balances. With WalletLink, all of it will be eliminated, providing users with a simpler way of using DApps.
What’s more appealing is WalletLink has already garnered support from prominent crypto DApps such as Compound, IDEX, dYdX, and Maker. While Compound is an on-chain platform for lending and borrowing, Maker is a stablecoin as well as a decentralized reserve bank. IDEX is a popular decentralized exchange, whereas, dYdX is a margin trading, lending, and borrowing platform. WalletLink will soon obtain support from Uniswap exchange and other popular DApps, per the blog.
On top of it all, Coinbase has open-sourced WalletLink so that the DApp experience becomes available to every crypto enthusiast. That also means that DApp developers and wallets that want to integrate WalletLink into their products can do so easily, revealed the blog post.