Consensys and YouGov publish Global Survey

Consensys and YouGov publish Global Survey Consensys and YouGov publish Global Survey

Consensys has announced the publishing of a report titled Global Survey on Crypto & Web3. The report has been published in association with YouGov and was done with 15,000 participants from all over the world. The objective was to understand how people perceive the Web3 sphere.

Results are being taken in a positive spirit. The report has concluded that many people feel motivated to contribute on the internet. They believe that their contributions are valuable, indicating that there is a shift in the way a user behaves online. They are now actively looking to participate and own their creation.

Specifically speaking, 67% of the people who were surveyed said that they want to own their online creations. Out of these participants, half of them are under the impression that what they add online is valuable. However, only 38% of the respondents claim that they are adequately compensated.


More numbers per the Global Survey on Crypto & Web3 are as follows:

  • 92% of people know what cryptocurrency is. There is no clarity about how many of them actually own or what is the depth of their knowledge about digital tokens. For instance, knowing that BTC exists suffices the purpose of knowing what cryptocurrency is.
  • Nearly 33% of the respondents consider that there is a future in money and digital ownership.
  • Interestingly, 83% consider that data privacy is important. No one knows what the remaining percent of users think about data privacy, but it is clear enough to understand that more than a majority of the participants prioritize the privacy of their data.
  • Coming in a bit of a contrast is that 70% of the people want to profit from their data.
  • Cryptocurrency is seen as a valuable store by the residents of Nigeria and Argentina, with the numbers standing at 65% and 56% for the regions, respectively.

Users from the United Kingdom are less likely to own an NFT – non-fungible token. In comparison, Brazilians consider cryptocurrency as an eco-friendly token.

A total of 15,158 participants who participated in the study hailed from Europe, Asia, the Americas, and Africa. They were aged between 18 years and 65 years, residing in 15 different countries of the said regions.

Moving forward, Consensys has announced launching a brand to align with the current trend which is prevailing across the globe. The product redefines the term builder and goes on to include all the possible users who have a fresh perspective toward Web3 and the manner in which users are shifting their focus to emerging technology.

The survey was done from April 26, 2023, to May 18, 2023. Countries covered by the field workers were Brazil, Argentina, Germany, France, Indonesia, India, Mexico, Japan, South Africa, Nigeria, The Philippines, South Korea, the US, the UK, and Vietnam.


Joe Lubin, the Chief Executive Officer & Founder of Consensys, said that the survey confirms the emergence of a decentralized paradigm. Joe further added that Consensys is aiming to become a trusted venture for developers and builders alike.