This sequel of Meda Shooter amalgamates turn-based action with a rich interactive narrative process within the Cryptomedatech ecosystem. Enhancing the Polygon network, The Meda Wars initiates the current advancement of blockchain and NFT functionalities for leveraging the user experience. Meda Wars is created by the Cryptomeda team which is a game enhancing a strong commitment to the P2E aspect of the Web3 gaming world.
There are numerous benefits considering this collaboration of $CREO X $TECH for its users, which are as follows:
It is assumed that the enthusiasm related to the meda realm can potentially increase to higher heights considering its NFT interoperability available at CreoPlay. This element enhances the gaming experience by including customized options and diverse trading opportunities that can leverage user experience by attracting potential consumers.
More advantages are implemented for $CREO holders as the collaborator offers a 100k followers community brimming with potential. The collaborators expect partnerships and collaboration to enhance the trading opportunities through community collision. It is designed to control each newcomer and enthusiast’s series. Therefore, Meda Wars is a testament to $CREO for its commitment to community engagement and innovation opportunities.
In addition, this partnership emphasizes a long-term growth-enhancing vision within the blockchain gaming sector by prioritizing sustained community support and future collaborations.
Expanding collaboration and partnership through such endeavors may add new value to the crypto ecosystem by improving the power of blockchain technology. It can leverage the technological support for its user community and expand the trading opportunity for future innovation. The secure environment of Creo+ engages users to promote integration with trading and investment procedures.
Currently, the blockchain market size has expanded with the aimed achievement of 65.7 USD billion by 2017, while in 2022, the revenue was 4.6 USD billion. There is no doubt that the inclusion of such collaboration is attributed to the increasing popularity of the blockchain gaming sector.