Iranian software developers wake on Sunday to only find that they have been blocked by GitHub, citing the ongoing sanctions on their country by the United States. The world of crypto also seems to be worried and has called for a decentralized alternative to avoid such cruelties.
Blockstack co-founder Muneeb Ali tweeted on Sunday that the world needs an alternative to GitHub, which is a software development platform owned by tech giant Microsoft. Ali said that we need a decentralized login and storage.
After Github’s ban on developers in certain countries a decentralized alternative is inevitable.
Git protocol is already decentralized. All we need is decentralized login, storage, and social graph on top.
— muneeb.btc (@muneeb) July 28, 2019
What this basically means that Soft as a Service (SaaS) needs to be decentralized, in order to avoid political effects on general developers. The ongoing tussle between Washington and Tehran after the former re-enforced trade sanction on Iran after the US authorities warned companies engaged with Iran in any commercial form of strict actions.
European Union is indicating in May 2017 that it would terminate the American sanctions of Iran as null and void. However, despite condemnation globally, the US has continued its sanctions against Iran and has shown no signs of easing them, not at least in during the Trump administration. To tackle this, decentralized technology could be of great help, and would provide developers in Iran a chance to participate globally to utilize their potential to the fullest. While seconding Muneeb’s thoughts, TRON Chief Justin Sun retweeted, saying that they were excited to work on the idea. He said,
We are super interested in supporting this idea by introducing #BTFS as a decentralized storage plan based on over 1 billion @BitTorrent devices in the world. Check here: #TRON.
However, if the decentralized industry comes to the rescue, they too might face strict actions against them. As it is known, the US President Donald Trump is against the crypto industry, the involvement of companies Tron or Blockstack in support of sanctioned countries would annoy the authorities even more.