Electroneum Price has Dropped by Almost 12% in the Last 30 Days

The price movement of Electroneum is sluggish, and the coin has traded flat for a week now. Let’s have a look at the variation in the ETN price over a period of 25-days. On August 08, Electroneum was trading around 0.00000041 BTC. However, today the ETN price has gone down by 12.19%. In the weekly trading also, the altcoin has made a dip of 2.51% from the level of 0.00000037 BTC on August 27.

Current Statistics of Electroneum

  • Electroneum price was trading around $0.003503.
  • Against Bitcoin, the coin was valued around 0.00000036 BTC per chip.
  • The Market Cap of the Electroneum was around 34,314,511 USD.
  • With an ROI of -96.29%, the 24-hour trading volume in the altcoin was 161,215 USD.
  • Circulating Supply of ETN was at 9,796,010,576.

ETN Price Chart

Electroneum (ETN) Price
Electroneum chart By TradingView

Electroneum Price Prediction and Conclusion

If you look at the Electroneum chart, it has mostly been flattish for a week or so. In yesterday’s trading as well, ETN coin has made a marginal decline of 1.4%. It is expected to hover around the current level for a while. For now, the immediate resistance for the altcoin is at 0.003484 USD and support level at 0.003434 USD.

After the recent upgrade of the blockchain, there is a lot of expectations from ETN. Electroneum has shown an ample amount of potential from the beginning, but the recent update has cleared the future road-map of the ETN. At present, the short-term trend in the coin is bearish. However, this is the right time for filling up your bags with Electroneum for a good amount of returns in the future.

Trevor Holman

Trevor Holman follows crypto industry since 2011. He joined CryptoNewsZ as a news writer and he provides technical analysis pieces and current market data. He is also an avid trader. In his free time, he loves to explore unexplored places.

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