Epic Games Brings Star Atlas Game Keys live on the Platform

Epic Games Brings Star Atlas Game Keys live on the Platform Epic Games Brings Star Atlas Game Keys live on the Platform

Star Atlas announces that it has launched Star Atlas Game Keys on Epic Games, adding that users with a minimum of one Seasons Fleet Badge can get their keys on the profile page. Star Atlas Game Keys can be redeemed in the EGS.

The keys section can be found on the profile at play.staratlas.com at the top right corner of the screen, written as Claim Game Codes.

While some followers have appreciated the launch, a few have expressed their concerns over the inability to secure the keys. For instance, a user said they were using Ledger Wallet and could not get the codes. Another user expressed disappointment over its unavailability on Mac.

Nevertheless, most of the community has welcomed the update by sharing screenshots from the game and calling it epic.


Star Atlas is a space adventure that is divided into three factions. The first faction has humankind governing the MUD Territory and the second & third faction has aliens governing the ONI region & the Ustur sector, respectively.

Recently, Star Atlas has unveiled its Triple-A State of the Economy report that offers economic insight into the ecosystem of the gaming metaverse. Star Atlas revolves around their struggle to claim political domination, conquer more territories, and have larger resources.

The massively multiplayer online game has been built on Unreal Engine 5. It requires players to strategize their moves carefully to proceed in the game.

Star Atlas is currently in the invite-only phase. Users can access the game by entering the community’s Discord server. Once in, they are first tasked with getting the first spaceship and getting it listed to the faction’s fleet. A pre-alpha key is generated after 7 days when the fleet becomes a seasoned fleet. The key automatically appears on the profile page.

Players retain the ability to influence the game’s outcome while earning several rewards for their contributions to the virtual space. Players enter the virtual game as faction citizens and eventually emerge as a winner.

Star Atlas is based on the philosophy of Power to the People. Players have real-world ownership over the in-game assets through blockchain technology. Players can participate in the feedback process and help improve the game. The team behind Star Atlas constantly looks forward to hearing the suggestions and implementing the ones that take the community forward. Moreover, Star Atlas offers players the opportunity to co-create the metaverse.


The game is in the testing phase, and there is a chance that players may experience significant changes in the times to come. Players can, as of now, control Asha who is an ace pilot and an instructor of the Academy. New characters will unlock in the future, allowing players to choose the character they want to control.

The initial objective is to get acquainted with Asha and move up the ladder to gain access to advanced Photoli terminals to summon the ships owned instantly.