A recent update on Ethereum maintenance released a while ago, known as Frozen Pyjack, secures in the dates that Ethereum’s mainnet upgrade, where Istanbul will be utilized on Ethereum testnets. For quite some time, Istanbul is Ethereum’s long-time discussed hard fork that pledges to make the system increasingly efficient. The Istanbul mainnet fork will go out in two sections. The first update will happen later this year and the second, in the first quarter of 2020.
Besides, Ethereum Istanbul is a hard fork that carries a progression of changes to the Ethereum blockchain focusing on data storage, code execution, and mining protocol. Further, the hard fork for the most leading test network, called Ropsten, is planned for October 2nd. The hard fork for the testnet Görli is scheduled for October 30th, and for the testnet Rinkeby, will be November 13th.
Moreover, Istanbul is the Ethereum hard fork, and it is professed to open the route for Ethereum 2.0. This upgrade should able to make a new, increasingly adaptable blockchain that uses a various consensus algorithm and sharding to build transaction speed and efficiency. Also, the changes during the Ethereum Istanbul hard fork are expected to give additional protection against replay attacks.
Testnets can be explained as testing environments utilized by developers to stimulate the genuine Ethereum network in advance, while their code goes live on the mainnet. Further, Developers can experiment with smart contracts without paying the cost.
Peter Szilagyi, a core developer, remarked on the two-phase plan of the upgrade, said:
We split Istanbul into two. One of them we can actually ship within weeks. [The other contains] two big EIPs that would be nice to have but require some stuff that cannot be done within the two- or three-week time span.
As per the Ethereum News, Istanbul denotes the eighth major hard fork upgrade to be executed upon the blockchain system, which is worth around 22 billion dollars today. The hard fork is set to lift chain interoperability with the Zcash, a privacy coin, in securing the broader system against replay attacks amongst other advancements.
Succinctly put, Ethereum was intended to be the decentralized internet, a blockchain-based platform where organizations can build smart contracts and build products. Ethereum is currently home to several numbers of dApps, from the decentralized fund (DeFi) to blockchain games. Over and above, the Ethereum blockchain utilizes the PoW (Proof-of-Work) consensus mechanism, which makes it a little bit slow in executing transactions. The system still cannot give long term answers for big business clients, and it is as of now dealing with issues of scalability.