Ethereum Price Analysis: Tim Draper showing some real concerns on Ethereum issuance percent!

Ethereum Ethereum

Tim Draper, the billionaire venture capitalist and biggest advocate of the crypto space seem to get worried for Ethereum. People who know Tim Draper are also aware of the fact that he is a big fan of Bitcoin as well as smart contract technology. Ethereum is also considered to interest him.

But he is certainly concerned about the Economics of Ethereum. The issuance between 25% and 4% of the early supply is something he wants to dig in. He thinks that ETH might have understood the platform of decentralization because you need to quote a particular fixed number, which Ethereum does not seem to do anytime soon.

Price Analysis of ETH on 1st June 2019:

ETH Price Chart


The value of ETH is traded at $269.51 at 8:05 UTC time on 1st June 2019. The return on investment is a major reason why traders are switching their capital to Ethereum. The ROI seems to push towards 9000% ranking the coin at number 2 just after Bitcoin. The market cap value is 28,688,260,048 USD followed by 24 hour volume at 10,785,040,045 USD.

ETH Price Comparison:

Ethereum Price chart

Same time, the month of May witnessed the value opening at $167.53. The market value is increased to 60% in just one month. That explains a lot why Ethereum is becoming an eye-candy coin for the traders recently.

Ethereum price chart

The highest high of the year was realized in the last few days of May. The value was trading at $ 272.55 on 27th May. The market was dropped to 1.27% (which is not noticeable).

ETH Price Predictions and Conclusion:

After comparing the real-time figures and value, May was surely a delightful month for the traders. Further, As per our Ethereum Predictions, June might be better than the last month. Nothing has been confirmed, but with recent updates in the market from every other crypto factor, the escalations might be realized for ETH chart as well.


The year might close with value more than $450 of ETH, but the traders must bit considering resistances and surges on an everyday basis. So traders, keep a keen interest on every update with a sip of coffee every morning.