Recently, legendary batter Sunil Gavaskar announced the NFT ‘hall of fame’ collection, which features digitized versions of moments of Gavaskar’s various cricket milestones. He’s entering the NFT space at the age of 72, setting another milestone.
An NFT is a Non-Fungible Token, a completely unique virtual asset representing possession of real-life gadgets like art, video clips, music, and more. NFTs use the identical blockchain tech that powers crypto. However, they are not a currency.
On October 11, former Indian cricket captain Sunil Gavaskar unveiled Sunil Gavaskar’s “Always First” official NFT collection. Sunil Gavaskar’s NFT collection is called “Always First,” suggesting that he was the first to achieve milestones such as ten thousand test runs in world crickets, among his other firsts. The collection’s home page states that the moments and highlights are curated and digitized for fans and collectors worldwide to be used as non-fungible tokens forever.
The Sunil Gavaskar Always First NFT Collection will go on sale on a first-come, first-served basis starting November 14, 2021, followed by the Hall of Fame opening in December. Entrance to the NFT Mainstream starts with purchasing an NFT Access Ticket to the Gavaskar Virtual Hall of Fame. Those who are interested in the collection should register at
The collector receives the digital rights of Sunil Gavaskar’s most beautiful moments and enjoys interactive and exclusive content, wins signed merchandise, attends real events, and has the opportunity to meet the legend and get a master cricket class from the cricket master himself.
Access to the NFT Master Collection begins with the virtual Hall of Fame, a unique and immersive experience in which fans can discover, appreciate, and interact with important moments important role in Gavaskar’s career and the opportunity to participate in one-on-one video calls with Sunil. 4,444 Hall of Fame tickets is sold as NFTs (via fiat currency or crypto exchanges) at an affordable price, providing fans and collectors with an easy way to access the NFT world while enjoying a unique cricket experience.
The director of nftie, a London-based business, Rob Morrison, acknowledged that Cricket has a huge fan base, and Sunil Gavaskar, its legendary player, has him really excited to launch this unique collection.