The Grin Community decided to fund the work of a developer after the weekly governance meeting on Tuesday. The coder goes under the pseudonym of Ignotus Peverell. The decision makes Ignotus the emerging project’s third paid team member. Developers will fund Ignotus for his work on Grin with around $10,000 per month.
Grin is a relatively new Blockchain that went online mid-January 2019. Grin’s tagline is “Electronic transactions for all. Without censorship or restrictions.” The website says the platform empowers anyone to transact or save modern money without the fear of external control or oppression. The community wants Grin to be usable by everyone, regardless of borders, culture, skills or access. Grin was launched fairly, i.e. free of ICO, pre-mine or founder’s reward. They mostly rely on donations to keep the project afloat.
The name “Ignotus Peverell” came from “Harry Potter,” the original owner of the invisibility cloak. Ignotus was involved in the development of Grin and the implementation of the mimblewimble protocol. Mimblewimble (a tongue-tying curse used in “The Deathly Hallows”) is designed to conceal transaction details such as amount and account addresses. Mimblewimble is a significant technology which has privacy inherent. There are no ring signatures or zero-knowledge proofs on top of a transparent bitcoin-like transaction. In a MimbleWimble transaction, all values are entirely obscured. There are no reusable or identifiable addresses. Every transaction looks the same to an outside party.
Ignotus was one of the original creators of the Grin project who started the first implementation of the mimblewimble protocol on GitHub back in 2016. He has joined Antioch Peverell – another Harry Potter character and Yeastplume as the third paid team member.
“There’s no [official] roles. We continue to work on what we see fit, which so far seems to be working okay,” explained Yeastplume or Michael Cordner, the sole full-time funded Grin developer before the Peverells joined.
The governance meeting also confirmed the decision by the community to conduct a third-party review of Grin’s “cryptographic and consensus-critical code,” through security auditing firm Coinspect, which was voted over other firms like Quarklab and NCC. Grin community members expect a draft report by April 20.
“It’s going to come quickly. They’ve also already produced one excellent vulnerability report,” said Ignotus Peverell about the draft report.