NEAR Foundation has gone ahead and collaborated with Galxe, which is an absolute top-of-the-line platform meant for Web3 community enhancement, to introduce Voyage Season 2 – Calling. This is SPACE ID’s latest referral program, and it is entirely for the benefit of Web3 users. The importance of the collaboration lies in the fact that Galxe becomes the first Web3 associate which is carrying out the deliverance of an item on NEAR’s Blockchain Operating System (BOS). It is basically an operating system that provides developers the opportunity to be able to carry out the creation, as well as the disbursement of chain-agnostic and decentralized applications-related exposure on the open web.
SPACE ID, on its part, is a universal name service network, coming with a one-stop identification base for registering as well as trading in Web3 arenas. This is with regards to the developers throughout blockchains and makes provision for a multi-chain name service, with the help of which it is possible for users to be in the position of being able to come out with a Web3 identity. The SPACE ID was officially set up in the year 2022 and has reached heights not fathomed before.
The BOS of NEAR will be responsible for boosting the decentralized front end in the case of SPACE ID’s Voyage. Through this, the idea is to enable users to pull in further users for the listing of a .bnb and .arb address and, in the bargain, become the owners of specialized Voyage Boxes. Users will soon be able to take part in the Voyage program. Prior to the BOS incorporation, there were seemingly a lot of hiccups and difficulties related to taking part in something like the Voyage. However, BOS has been able to adequately address these issues by making it possible to have a joint interface through which users find it more convenient to enroll themselves.
In the case of the elements making up BOS, they are built separately and fit into further elements. BOS also comes with a permissionless character, with the help of which developers are provided with the option of forking the elements and placing them within their BOS elements and websites. This helps users in tracking the source code for every element, on-chain as well as in-browser. This paves the way for further safety and clarity.