NEO Price Analysis: NEO Surges by 2% as per intraday movement, can it rise further?


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NEO started with a trading price of around $11.90 yesterday. Barring a couple of falls, the coin still managed to reach as high as $12.60 on the same day at 10:54 UTC. However, it could not maintain its efficiency at the said level and started showing signs of a declining trend. It led to a sharp fall, and the prices fell to $11.92 at 15:16 UTC.

The intraday movement for the coin has been quite unstable with several rises and falls. However, from $11.90, NEO has still managed to reach $12.12 in a day’s timeframe, which shows the potential of the coin that it can bounce back from any phenomenon.

Let us look at the performance of NEO since yesterday:


Let us understand the NEO forecast chart mentioned above.

Current Data of NEO:

  • NEO is currently ranked at 18th position in the crypto market.
  • The current market cap of NEO is $859,156,330.
  • Value of the coin is $12.12 at 08:18 UTC as on 6th
  • 24-hour volume figures are $346,934,558
  • 70,538,831 NEO coins are being circulated.
  • ROI of the coin stands at 6,605.27%.

NEO Price Comparison and Future Predictions:

If we compare the current trading price of NEO to yesterday’s value $11.90 at 00:04 UTC, it indicates an upward movement by 1.8%.

The Chaikin Money Flow indicator points out that the current movement of the coin is an upward one.

By the end of this week, NEO may trade above $13, and it has all the potential to reach up to $25 by the end of this year.



It is advisable to trade in the coin with a long-term perspective of 5 and more years as it will offer excellent dividends in the long run. NEO has all the potential to reach newer price heights after five years, which promises substantial growth prospects for the investors.