QuestGPT Shines During ETHDenver 2023 [Project Spotlight]

QuestGPT Shines During ETHDenver 2023 [Project Spotlight] QuestGPT Shines During ETHDenver 2023 [Project Spotlight]

ETHDenver, the largest Ethereum ecosystem conference, concluded last Sunday with the hackathon finalists presenting their builds to an enthusiastic crowd at Denver’s National Western Complex. 

The conference attracted over 20,000 attendees, lasted two weeks, and included programming, hacker houses, parties, and panels throughout Denver. By the time of the closing ceremonies, hundreds of developers had gathered at ETHDenver’s main stage to cheer on their favorite #BUIDLathon projects. 

A Whiteboard Represents Project Name - QuestGPT
A whiteboard in the corner of a large warehouse at ETHDenver’s #BUIDLWeek displayed a project’s name in an 8-bit style logo, quickly catching many builders’ eyes.

One curious project that caught the attention of many attendees was QuestGPT, a project that fuses the ChatGPT utility with Community engagement elements, gamifying engagement, and interaction. The QuestGPT team had only met the day before the hackathon and had a small part of the project vision in mind. However, the collaborative spirit at ETHDenver helped create an atmosphere where other builders and developers eagerly lined up to test the tool, give feedback, and pitch their own ideas for what should be the focus of the project.

“The attention and interest was both terrifying and exciting. We were lucky so many impressive people were willing to help.” Adam Boyle, Team QuestGPT

Before the main event of ETHDenver even began, QuestGPT had over 100 users testing and interacting with their tool in an alpha testing environment. The excitement surrounding the small project continued to grow as several builders went out of their way to tweet and record videos about the project, further demonstrating the culture of collaboration and support at ETHDenver.


Thanks to its base of developer fans, QuestGPT continued to grow and improve. By the time of the main event, the team had amassed a large amount of user data and had released a new polished version of their alpha. The latest version included AI-art generated NFTs created and airdropped to the user at the end of their story based on the events of their game. 

Dungeonite - Wizard
“Dungeonite – Wizard 🌞 commands his powerful army of undead and demons to kneel before him in respect, a powerful necromancer and leader of his own army.”

While collaboration and ecosystem building were emphasized at ETHDenver, QuestGPT Team’s hustle is what really stood out. Possibly being one of the only groups to use a traditional approach by printing out posters and postcards, the QuestGPT team attracted even more attendees eager to test their five-day-old project and provide feedback on how it could be improved.

Thanks to the determination of the QuestGPT team, support from their fellow #Buidlers, and the excitement from ETHDenver attendees, the project attracted over 300 users in just six days. Their API was hit over 5500 times, and their alpha boasted equally impressive discord engagement stats.

It was evident that QuestGPT had something unique, and with a large group of dedicated fans, the team worked hard to deliver a high-quality product by the event’s end.

On Final Day, Team Puts an Update on QuestGPT
On the final day, the team puts out an update!

The final day of the ETHDenver hackathon was busy and exciting, with a flurry of activity typical of such a community-driven event. Despite the chaos, the QuestGPT team continued to push out updates, impressing attendees with new art styles for their generative NFTs and leading their user base to create nearly 100 new NFTs, continuing even after the event had officially ended.

It comes as no surprise that QuestGPT won ETHDenver through Collab.Land’s main prize bounty for best mini-app and was selected for their new marketplace. Given their enthusiastic web3 community, AI’s growing momentum, and even an upcoming release of a new D&D movie, QuestGPT looks to be in a strong position to leverage its success at one of the world’s largest events.


I even played it myself and got to experience its engaging power firsthand, finding it both enjoyable and addictive. It’s no small feat to make a single-player experience on Discord entertaining, but QuestGPT managed to strike the perfect balance. You can try it out for yourself in their discord.

Overall, the event demonstrated the power of collaboration, innovation, and community in the Ethereum ecosystem and provided a platform for budding entrepreneurs to showcase their talent and ideas. It’s exciting to see what the future holds for QuestGPT, especially in the realm of AI and blockchain technology, where the fusion of whimsy and real-world value can be a game-changer.