Ontology announced on Monday that users can now tip the blockchain’s native tokens, ONT and ONG, on Telegram, using the famous crypto trading bot Seedit. The announcement came via a tweet, which also included a link to Sesameseed’s blog on medium.com, explaining the partnership in detail.
You can now tip $ONT and $ONG on Telegram using @GoSeedit! Read more: https://t.co/eiVLRv9Crq.
— Ontology #BUIDL4Web3 (@OntologyNetwork) May 6, 2019
Seedit is multi-platform payment system created by Sesameseed on the Tron Blockchain Network. It allows users to send and receive digital tokens on the platforms which the users already transact on. Crypto payments are fast growing in popularity across the globe, as traditional business giants jumping on to the scene too.
Technology behemoth IBM launched a global payments platform earlier this year, called World Wire, based on the Stellar platform, which initially started operations in 72 countries, and with 42 currencies. Also, global payments leader, VISA announced a couple of months ago that it will be integrating blockchain tech with its global operations in order to facilitate crypto payments.
In its blog on Ontology Network on medium.com, Sesameseed stated,
In association with Rovak, Sesameseed is pleased to announce that Ontology tokens (ONT and ONG) can now be tipped on Telegram using Seedit. The bot will automatically generate an Ontology wallet for new and existing users. Currently, the airdrop and trade functions are only available for TRON tokens.
The addition of Tipping feature for the Sesameseed community is expected to bring new members who have never before used a tipping bot. To make things even more attractive, Sesameseed has relaxed its entire fees for the time being, for tipping TRX, ONT or ONG tokens. However, Seedit will be free initially, charges levied by the native blockchain, like TRON and Ontology, will be applicable.
TRON and Ontology are two of the most active blockchains working towards global expansion. While TRX is among the widely adopted cryptocurrencies, ONT and ONG are catching up fairly quickly. Since the launch of its mainnet in June 2018, Ontology has entered in partnership with various platforms, expanding its adoption.
It partnered with ParityGames, a blockchain-based VR game in February this year. The partnership includes integration with gaming marketplace Skrskins, which has over 500,000 users.