Bitcoin Diamond (BCD) News

Bitcoin Diamond (BCD) is a Bitcoin’s fork, published initially in November 2017. This project intends to be a very appropriate payment system for third world countries as well as assist unbanked people to grow their wealth by using BCD pay and by working with diverse merchants to use BCD as a convenient payment option. BCD is also known to combine the absolute best from the earlier forks that is Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin Gold. With lower transaction fee than credit cards, quicker transaction confirmation than any other digital payment, and better exchange rate than other government currencies, Bitcoin Diamond is a worldwide accepted currency. You can utilize it to buy products from any of the countries and get them shipped right to your doorsteps across the world. All of this will cost you lesser than a single penny for each transaction, and there is no need for any currency exchange. Unlike Fiat currency, BCD has limited supply to ensure that inflation is always kept in control. Bitcoin Diamond now is a fork of Bitcoin blockchain, which is the most broadly utilized and safest cryptocurrency out there. Now you can easily protect your hard earned money from inflation and theft with BCD.
  • Bitcoin Diamond (BCD) News
    Price Analysis

    Bitcoin Diamond Loses a Subsequent Demand due to Price Slash

  • Bitcoin diamond

    Price analysis of Bitcoin Diamond (BCD) and its growing market

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