The CEO of the social media giant Twitter attended a town hall meeting in Ghana and contributed his views on the cryptocurrency situation and the challenges surfacing.
Mini bitcoin Ghana meetup with @atsudavoh @sy_boahen
— jack (@jack) November 11, 2019
The tech stalwart said at the town hall event in Nigeria that he visited Africa “to understand the challenges of starting a company here and figure out a way I can support.”
He also spoke about his plans to recruit Nigerians to operate remotely for Square and Twitter.
Speaking specifically about Nigeria, in the future, many of our customers will be from here [more] than there are today. There is [a] massive opportunity here for Twitter because Nigeria has many technical talents and impactful public conversations happen here too,
Parag added.
Bitcoin has been making statements in Africa for a while now. One report asserts that African millennials can’t seem to get ample in the field of cryptocurrency.
Certain areas in Africa have also made considerable progress in building successful money payment methods through smartphones. Although, Bitcoin proponents insist that this would be a long haul, and the fad is only going to rise.
For instance, Bitcoin exchanges in July this month soared in Zimbabwe following the President Emmerson Mnangagwa government’s ban on usage of foreign denominations for settling the local transactions.
Dorsey also publicly expressed his gratitude for the Bitcoin supporters along with the CEO of financial services like Bit Sika for assembling a bitcoin list exclusively to Africa on Twitter.
Dorsey’s already tweeted about the Square’s cryptocurrency hiring drive earlier and talks with TNW later regarding the firm’s strategies for Bitcoin.