ZClassic (ZCL) and its Market Journey

ZClassic-ZCL ZClassic-ZCL

ZClassic (ZCL) was available for trades at a lower value. The reduction was undertaken by 16.8%, which was against the US dollar considering a period of one day, which ended at 116:00 PM ET on February 9th. ZClassic (ZCL) holds a total market capitalization worth $6.29 million. The value of one ZClassic (ZCL) token at present is $1.05 or 0.00027137 BTC, including major cryptocurrency exchanges like CoinExchange, and Trade Satoshi, along with Bittrex and Cryptopia. Since the past one week, Cortex is traded at a higher percentage of 15.7% against the dollar.

Here are the performances were shown by the similar cryptocurrencies over the last day:

Currencies like Zcash (ZEC), Bitcoin Gold (BTG), Horizen (ZEN) are getting traded on exchanges at a lower value. The reduction in the trading price is 6.8%, 6.5%, and 8.0% respectively. Their trading value in the market (put against the US dollar) is $52.50 or 0.01361081 BTC, $12.57 or 0.00325989 BTC, and $5.06 or 0.00131237 BTC respectively.

Zclassic chart


Apart from these currencies, other cryptocurrencies in the market like Bitcoin Private (BTCP), CrypticCoin (CRYP), Bitcoin Interest (BCI) were possessing lower value too. All these currencies were getting traded at the reduced rate of 16.3%, 9.2%, and 4.4% respectively. This reduction in its value is against the US dollar. These currencies are getting traded in the market at $1.17 or 0.00030210 BTC, $0.0019 or 0.00000050 BTC, and $0.18 or 0.00004584 BTC respectively.

BitcoinZ (BTCZ) was also down by 6.5% and at present traded at $0.0002 or 0.00000005 BTC on all related exchanges. Hush (HUSH) is also not behind when it comes to a decrease in the value. The currency is 6.3% down as compared to its previous value (against the US dollar), and now, it is getting traded at $0.0542 or 0.00001296 BTC. Zero (ZER) was down in its value by 10.3% against the dollar. The trading value of ZClassic was $0.0560 or 0.00001451 BTC.


ZClassic (ZCL) was introduced in the market on November 6th, 2016. ZClassic’s total coin supply is 6,015,650 units. It is a PoW coin which runs on Equihash hashing program. ZClassic is usually not available for purchases by using U.S. dollars. People will have to posses Bitcoin or Ethereum and then use these cryptos to purchase ZClassic.