Bitcoin Godfather Tim May Passes Away Due to Natural Causes

Bitcoin Godfather Tim May

The crypto community recently came together to pay tributes to Timothy C. May, the core founder of the crypto world. Cypherpunk’s co-founder Timothy C. May has died of natural causes, as a Facebook eulogy by cypherpunk Lucky Green says. May was a key proponent of Bitcoin’s creation.

Green informed in the post, “Word has reached me that my dear friend, a co-conspirator in many things and for many years, fellow Freedom Fighter Tim May passed away earlier this week at his home in Corralitos, California.”

In the ninety’s, a group of cryptology experts started meeting on a monthly basis to discuss ideas on digital privacy and anonymous digitalized cash. The Group named themselves the Cypherpunks, indicating their interest for coding and disposition towards anarchistic practices. Along with Timothy C. May, the founding fathers of this group were Eric Hughes, John Gilmore.

May is also the author of a book called, “The Crypto Anarchist Manifesto,” published in 1992. Interestingly, the book predicted some aspects of existing decentralized cryptocurrencies. As given in the book, “The State will, of course, try to slow or halt the spread of this [cryptography-based] technology, citing national security concerns, use of the technology by drug dealers and tax evaders, and fears of societal disintegration.”

With that, May also admitted in the book that “many of these concerns will be valid,” as “crypto anarchy will allow national secrets to trade freely and will allow illicit and stolen materials to be traded.” The book explained an emerging form of technology which would transform the equation between users and their digital presence, nullifying the need of a third party to mediate.

Additionally, Green notes in the post that an autopsy has not been done yet, stating, “death appears to be from natural causes.” Green says that May “co-founded the Cypherpunks, perhaps the single most effective pro-cryptography grassroots organization in history, together with Eric Hughes and John Gilmore in 1992.”

Notably, the legendary creator of Bitcoin (BTC), Satoshi Nakamoto was in communication with the Cypherpunk before publishing the Bitcoin whitepaper in 2008 and shared his ideas to them in an email. The crypto space came out on Twitter to pay respect to the founding father of the Cypherpunks Timothy C. May.

Ruti Vora: Ruti regularly contributes in-depth news articles for leading cryptocurrencies. She contributes technical chart-based price updates and analysis pieces on the world's leading digital currencies.