Categories: Exchange

McAfee DEX Faces Stiff Challenges on Day 1, Recovers and Resumes Quickly

McAfee DEX Faces Stiff Challenges on Day 1, Recovers and Resumes Quickly

John McAfee launched the much-awaited McAfee DEX on Monday, and it was received with immense excitement from the crypto community at large. However, just a couple of hours after the launch, the decentralized exchange came under the dreaded DDOS attack, which slowed it down considerably.

John McAfee stated that the DDOS attack had plagued everything and he has tried to release and has termed the attacks as humorous. He further added,

The DDOS attacks on bring up a point I hadn’t mentioned. With multiple portals running, it doesn’t matter whether is up or not. The smart contract (our true technology for the Dex) remains on the blockchain – accessible to all.

DDOS trolls are among the biggest, most feared and mysterious internet hackers, who are known to attack various prominent corporations. Some of their victims include powerful names like VISA, PayPal, Riot, Blizzard, EA, Xbox, etc. These attacks are usually carried to slow down the servers and create artificial congestions and lag, causing a troublesome experience for genuine users.

Nonetheless, it is a good sign that McAfee himself was first to acknowledge, and then take prompt action to tackle the dreadful attacks. Within a couple of hours, he stated that his team would get the DDOS trolls permanently blocked within a few hours, which they eventually did and relaunched the decentralized exchange for the second time on the same day. Besides, McAfee also asked the users to have patience, as it was impossible to lose coins as the portals were running on a decentralized blockchain.

McAfee launched McAfee DEX with a view of promoting a decentralized economy. The unique features of this decentralized exchange include zero listing and maker fees, and a ridiculously low 0.25% transaction fees.

Scott Cook: Scott Cook got into crypto world since 2010. He has worked as a news writer for three years in some of the foremost publications. He recently joined our team as a crypto news writer. He regularly contributes latest happenings of crypto industry. In addition to that, he is very good at technical analysis.