Compound Price Prediction Compound Price Prediction

Compound Price Prediction 2024 – 2030

Is Compound crypto a good investment? If yes, then why is Compound crypto dropping? Will COMP recover from its losses, or is Compound crypto dead? Let’s find out answers to all these queries and much more in our Compound price prediction!

  • As per our Compound price prediction for 2024, the token is expected to have a maximum price of $95.93 with a minimum price of $45.64.
  • COMP cryptocurrency is expected to reach a maximum price level of $117.87 according to our Compound coin price prediction 2025.
  • Based on our COMP price prediction 2030, the average price of the Compound token might be around $300.70 by the end of 2030.

introWhat is Compound Crypto?

Blockchains were developed on an algorithm that was always on the lookout to create a protocol that could address the loopholes in the borrowing and lending of fiat currency. However, there still remained some unanswered questions related to borrowing and lending. Enormous transaction fees, lack of transparency, and restricted liquidity are major hurdles in the field of developed platforms. Bitcoin, as well as the Ethereum network, failed to redress these issues too.

The Compound is an algorithmic, autonomous interest rate protocol built for developers to unlock a universe of open financial applications. Cryptocurrencies like Compound have gradually pervaded the mainstream consciousness and gained traction. Compound (COMP) is an ERC-20 asset that empowers community governance of the Compound protocol.

The entire framework of the Compound relies on zero-disclosure evidence, thereby allowing mathematical consistency of the entire transaction procedure, which is cross-checked without revealing any data or message on the other party involved in the transaction. Putting the power ultimately in the hands of the user, Compound has regular upgrade schedules, which means this protocol is adaptable to meet the varied use cases of today, as well as the unforeseen use cases of tomorrow.


Compound (COMP)

$ 42.64 Trade Now

coinWhat Makes Compound Unique?

What makes Compound stand out from its competitors like ETH, Bitcoin, and others is that here the decision-making is built into the blockchain itself. Compound, with its open lending platform, allows them to earn interest on their balance of supported Ethereum tokens or take out a secured loan. The Compound’s community governance sets it apart from other protocols.

The Compound is also actively involved in reshaping legislation and compliance with innovative commercial standards challenging the current ecosystem. Team Compound realizes the full potential of blockchain can be harnessed only when the fundamental framework is in place to make this revolutionary technology a dream come true.

Compound interoperability keeps companies’ blockchains updated. It provides them with global expansion, a wide network of users and dApps (decentralized applications), and continual developments and upgrades.


Compound (COMP)

$ 42.64 Trade Now

technical analysisCompound Technical Analysis

Going by the coin price prediction and technical price analysis of the entire crypto community and inverse rate, Compound has shown a potential to stay within a specific price range. COMP today’s range shows a marginal recovery. Competing with counterparts like Stellar and Ethereum, Compound has ranked at 113. However, the COMP price is expected to do great in the next few years.

In April 2022, the COMP price traded around the $171 mark, but unfortunately, the token faced extreme resistance from that point and continued to trade in the downward direction. It even reached $28 in June but later recovered slightly and is currently trading around $36. Since 2023, the price initially had an upward swing and is now consolidating in a narrow range. From the beginning of 2024, the price of Compound crypto has continued a range-bound trading. Let’s explore what industry experts think about the future of Compound (COMP) for the upcoming years.


Compound (COMP)

$ 42.64 Trade Now

expert reviewCOMP Price Forecast: Expert’s Opinion


The Compound protocol has had a historic journey throughout. Expert investors of cryptocurrencies have the following price predictions for Compound coins.

Compound can be a profitable investment option. Based on our COMP forecast, a long-term increase is expected, the price prognosis for 2029 is $80.008. With a 5-year investment, the revenue is expected to be around +42.16%.
Wallet Investor

Based on the historical price movements of Compound and the BTC halving cycles, the yearly low Compound price prediction for 2025 is estimated at $ 46.89. Meanwhile, the price of Compound is predicted to reach as high as $ 333.11 next year. Using the same basis, here is the Compound price prediction for each year up until 2030.

According to the Compound forecast price and technical analysis, in 2024 the COMP price is expected to cross an average price level of $76.57, the expected minimum price value of Compound by the end of the current year should be $74.34. Moreover COMP can reach a maximum price level of $92.88.Price Prediction

As per the COMP predictions data analysis, the price of COMP is expected to cross the level of $109.39. By the end of the year, Compound is expected to reach a minimum fee of $49.88. In addition, the COMP price is capable of getting a maximum level of $119.21.
Digital Coin Price

The forecasted Compound price at the end of 2024 is $69.92 – and the year to year change +21%. The rise from today to year-end: +25%. In the middle of 2024, we expect to see $64.83 per 1 Compound. In the first half of 2025, the Compound price will climb to $75.04; in the second half, the price would add $16.88 and close the year at $91.92, which is +64% to the current price.
Coin Price Forecast


Compound (COMP)

$ 42.64 Trade Now

price predictionCompound Price Prediction: 2024-2030

It would not be an exaggeration that Compound prices might break all the barriers and withstand the test of time. The Compound price today is $56.2, with a market capitalization of $453,507,413. The 24-hour trading volume of COMP is $39,287,788, with a circulating supply of 8,068,887 COMP. Let’s check out the COMP price prediction for the next few years:

Year Minimum Price Maximum Price
2024 $45.64 $95.93
2025 $81.88 $117.87
2026 $101.69 $146.39
2027 $128.41 $184.85
2028 $163.36 $235.17
2029 $191.26 $275.34
2030 $246.52 $354.88

Compound Crypto Price Prediction 2024

As per the Compound predictions, it is estimated that the coin may trade between the range of $45.64 to $75.93, where $45.64 is the minimum price and $75.93 is the maximum price. At the same time, there are assumptions that the coin may have an average price of $60.

Month Minimum price Maximum price
January $45.64 $75.43
February $72.50 $76.89
March $76.89 $79.82
April $78.36 $82.02
May $79.82 $84.21
June $82.02 $85.68
July $83.48 $87.14
August $85.68 $89.34
September $89.34 $91.54
October $89.34 $93.00
November $87.14 $94.47
December $90.07 $95.93

Compound Coin Price Prediction 2025

According to our COMP crypto price prediction, the coin will see a rise of around 50% in the entire year. It will trade from the potential low of $81.88 to the maximum level of $117.87. During the entire year, the coin will have an average trading price of $99.88.

Month Minimum price Maximum price
January $81.88 $92.68
February $92.68 $94.48
March $94.48 $98.08
April $96.28 $100.78
May $98.08 $103.48
June $100.78 $105.28
July $102.58 $107.08
August $105.28 $109.78
September $107.98 $112.48
October $109.78 $114.27
November $107.08 $116.07
December $110.68 $117.87

COMP Price Prediction 2026

Based on our Compound forecast, we expect the coin to have grown by more than 70%. The minimum and maximum prices are expected to be $101.69 and $146.39, respectively. At the same time, the average price of the coin may be around $124.04. The closing price for the year may be close to $145, turning into a good investment.

Month Minimum price Maximum price
January $101.69 $115.10
February $115.10 $117.34
March $117.34 $121.81
April $119.57 $125.16
May $121.81 $128.51
June $125.16 $130.75
July $127.40 $132.98
August $130.75 $136.34
September $134.10 $139.69
October $136.34 $141.92
November $132.98 $144.16
December $137.45 $146.39

COMP Crypto Price Prediction 2027

Based on our Compound coin price prediction, the token’s future is bright. COMP’s price is expected to be around $128.41 and $184.85, where the former is a potential low and the latter is a potentially high value for 2027. In comparison, the average price may be $156.63, with an increased market cap.

Month Minimum price Maximum price
January $128.41 $145.34
February $145.34 $148.17
March $148.17 $153.81
April $150.99 $158.04
May $153.81 $162.28
June $158.04 $165.10
July $160.87 $167.92
August $165.10 $172.15
September $169.33 $176.39
October $172.15 $179.21
November $167.92 $182.03
December $173.57 $184.85

Compound Prediction 2028

Based on our Compound forecast, the coin might touch $235 by the end of this year, with a 545% hike from the current price. At the same time, the minimum and average prices are estimated to be around $163.36 and $199.27, respectively.

Month Minimum price Maximum price
January $163.36 $184.91
February $184.91 $188.50
March $188.50 $195.68
April $192.09 $201.06
May $195.68 $206.45
June $201.06 $210.04
July $204.65 $213.63
August $210.04 $219.01
September $215.42 $224.40
October $219.01 $227.99
November $213.63 $231.58
December $220.81 $235.17

COMP Coin Price Prediction 2029

Our Compound prediction data indicates that the asset price will show a decent recovery and reach close to its ATH. Based on our Compound price prediction, the maximum price of COMP is predicted to be around $275.34. While the minimum and average prices may be around $191.26 and $233.30, according to our COMP price forecast.

Month Minimum price Maximum price
January $191.26 $216.49
February $216.49 $220.69
March $220.69 $229.10
April $224.89 $235.40
May $229.10 $241.71
June $235.40 $245.91
July $239.61 $250.11
August $245.91 $256.42
September $252.22 $262.73
October $256.42 $266.93
November $250.11 $271.13
December $258.52 $275.34

Compound Price Prediction 2030

Trading of COMP will continue surging all over, and with its back and forth, it’s safe to say that currency could possibly reach the maximum of $354.88 by the end of this decade in 2030. Similarly, it may have a minimum price of $246.52 in 2030, based on our COMP crypto price prediction 2030.

Month Minimum price Maximum price
January $246.52 $279.03
February $279.03 $284.45
March $284.45 $295.28
April $289.86 $303.41
May $295.28 $311.54
June $303.41 $316.95
July $308.83 $322.37
August $316.95 $330.50
September $325.08 $338.63
October $330.50 $344.04
November $322.37 $349.46
December $333.21 $354.88


Compound (COMP)

$ 42.64 Trade Now

FAQsFrequently Asked Questions

Is Compound crypto a good investment?

Yes, Compound is a good investment based on our predictions. The Compound (COMP) is a great attraction for those looking to make money easily with wise decisions. Right from offering crypto loans and earning interest to making huge savings, Compound gives an investor all the benefits packed in one. Also, by 2030, the COMP token is expected to have a maximum price of $354.88.

Where to buy Compound?


All renowned major crypto exchanges of the world, like Binance and Bitmax, carry the hallmark presence of Compound protocol. Compliant exchanges also give you the facility of directly trading Compound for fiat currencies like the US dollar, Euro, GBP, etc., or other cryptocurrencies. Users can also benefit from the block rewards program on Compound as well as follow the supply and trade data for investing in the coin to track its rise.

What will Compound be worth in 2030?

Based on our Compound predictions, the token is expected to finally cross the $300 mark and have a maximum price of $354.88. At the same time, the minimum and average prices may be around $246.52 and $300.70, respectively.

Can I make a profit with COMP?

To have a big gain, you need to dream big and invest big dollars in trade. The responsible platform of Compound does not guarantee any overnight billionaire dreams come to fruition. It depends, as said previously, on how wisely you invest in Compound tokens.